Thursday 8 May 2014

My background and dreams - the start to my journey!

From a very young age my parents always told me "You can do anything you put your mind to", that is the motto which I live my life by and is I guess partly the basis for my blog. I also aim to be true to myself and have always been a bit quirky so I'll apologise now if my blog is a bit different! I have not intention of tell you I'm "aiming for the stars" but I have a goal, I have determination and I'm hoping to share my journey through my blog!

From my introduction to you I felt the image is very fitting for the first (I hope of many) blog posts, I hope my first is not a bore as I try to introduce myself my aims and dreams.

I want to start by saying that I am dyslexic and why is that important? Its important for me as it made my first blog a challenge to begin, for me part of being dyslexic is that I am slightly obsessive over getting everything perfect and if I feel it wont be perfect, or I can't work out how to make it perfect, I find it very hard to start (procrastination techniques perfected!).

Me and my parents at my graduation
I am now 25 , I have a BA (Hons) Marketing with Retail which I am very proud to tell you I graduated with a 2:1 from the University of Northampton. I also come from a family of lets say "different" thinkers. Neither myself nor my older brother ever stood a chance of having "normal" jobs, we grew up with both our parents self employed with high aspirations who worked tirelessly trying to make their dreams a reality. At around 15 years old my Mum decided to start her own business and in 2006 (I was 16) we started the first of our family businesses. Since then I completed my degree I went on to try what I called a "proper job" - which I hated.

If you had asked me as a child what I wanted to be when I grew up I had three answers "I want a job where I don't have to write anything", "I want to be a millionairess by the time I'm 25!" and "I want to be on the right side of the desk" (which to me meant I wanted to be the boss!), as you can see I have not achieve these yet but goals change and ages creep by far too quickly, but one day I will be a millionairess and be on the right side of my desk - or I shall die trying!

I wanted to blog about my journey as working for yourself can be a daunting prospect and once you start can be unexpectedly lonely. I want to share my experiences both good and bad, give you the reasons for my success and failures so hopefully I can help encourage, inspire or just give you a reason to laugh (probably when I make the most obvious mistakes!).

I would love to hear feedback on all my blog posts (even if you do wish to tell me I am talking about myself too much-sorry) please use the comments section but please don't abuse it, you can also contact me on social media or via email. I look forward to hearing from you!

Now as the title of my blog suggests I am off to make my first million!